Tuesday, August 18, 2009

SPACE DEATH - THE GAME - First 2 Levels FREE!!! To have and hold, play and control. Get hooked!

Blast off in yr "Rat Ship" - Water the garden and destroy the Big Boss!
Stop big biz death kulture and nature meddlers!
Slay the Dragon and win a Natural Future.
Slay the Dragon and gain passage to the other side.
Like a tormented soul this haunted spirit keeps cvmin' back for more abuse.
Choose yr path, choose yr own adventure,
Choose SPACE DEATH - Only SPACE DEATH is real!
Get hit by too many eggs and yr a dead duck. Be mindful ov the swelling vortex.
Curiosity killed the cat so, try not to crash land!
*Look out for secret codes, messages, and portals.
CROSSOVER is the Max & The Hammer!!!
"SPACE DEATH - THE GAME is a white knuckle acid nightmare killing spree, Have Fvn."
Save it on yr computer - Play it until yr head explodes!
Don't save the world - Save yrself. U won't be sorry…
Suggested Playing: Full screen anytime after 11:34 PM in the dark
with a candle lit and head phones turned vp loud!
Sick! Sick! Sick!

Join The Mystik Trvker Association & Long Live CROSSOVER Svpporters!!!

***Check the SPACE DEATH - THE GAME Foto Albvm here on our myspace-death page for the Manual and Screen Captures from Games I & II!

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