Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bully is a Sony PlayStation 2 Fighting Action Shooter game, written by Rockstar

Bully is a free roaming, mission based action game where you assume the role of new student Jimmy Hopkins. Your primary goal is to complete various tasks while staying out of trouble. As you complete missions, the story progresses through the school year. Your ultimate goal, bring order to the student body and become the king of the school.

We have gathered together the best information currently available for Bully including , our detailed review, an article detailing all of it's main features, reviews written by readers just like you, screenshots to show you exactly what Bully looks like, cheats for Bully and gameplay tips too, a dedicated chat forum to swap views and ideas with other gamers

We pride ourselves on being as practical as possible when it comes to games that contain adult themes. We know how hard it is to decide which videogames our children should play and how much pressure they can put on us to buy them the 'cool' games that 'everyone else' seems to be playing. Bully may be one of these games.

While all videogames are rated, we know that you may have very different standards when it comes to what is acceptable for your child.

While we play-tested this game we noted the following information that parents may be interested in knowing before they decide if their children should play the Playstation2 version of Bully.

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